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We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption on all pages where you can submit any personal information to protect it from being intercepted and read by an third party with access to the network between your web browser and our web servers.

Your personal information and your credit card information are converted into an encrypted code that can be transmitted securely over an public internet connections.

Our systems have been designed to ensure that no card details are ever passed through our servers, and that trusted PCI compliant organisations with bank-approved security handle your card details using their secure payment gateways.

If you ever suspect that your credit card information is being used without your knowledge, you should contact your credit card company in the first instance to let them know how and where you used your card recently, so that they can find the source of the data leak.

We strongly recommend you keep your computer up to date with the latest security updates and anti-virus security software as one of the most common methods of capturing personal details is from a compromise on your personal computer or device from hidden trojan software.

Please ensure you use different passwords for all websites and we recommend the use of a password manager such as, LastPass, 1Password or a non-shared Web Browser to help you with this.

Please visit our Privacy Policy page for more information on our data security measures.

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