Surveys, Questionnaires, Polls and Forms by LimeSurvey
The self-hosted open-source alternative to Typeform, Paperform, SurveyLab, Google Forms, Survey Monkey etc, for all your information gathering needs.
Categories: Accountancy, Agencies, Apps, Business Suite, Community, Company Administration, Compliance, Construction, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Data Mining, Design, Ecommerce, Education & Training, Entertainment, Events, Financial Services, Freelance, Government, Healthcare, Hospitality, IT Management, Lead Generation, Legal, Manufacturing, Marketing, Marketing, Media, Monthly, Music, Non-Profit, Piecework, Professional Services, Public Relations, Publishing, Quality Control, Recruitment, Research, Sales, Technology, Travel, Websites, Weekly
Surveys, Questionnaires, Polls and Forms by LimeSurvey
The self-hosted open-source alternative to Typeform, Paperform, SurveyLab, Google Forms, Survey Monkey etc, for all your information gathering needs.
30-day free trial, then£250 setup & on-boarding£50 per month hosting, monitoring & maintenance
Satisfaction Guarantees
- 24/7/366 live chat, email and telephone support.
- 30-day free trial on all App Cloud services.
- All Apps are for unlimited users, we never charge you more as your team grows.
- Daily backups retention for 7-days, 4-weeks, 6 months with all digital services, for security and data-protection compliance.
- Free subscription changes or cancellations at any time.
- Identity-protection insurance, PCI DSS Level 1 Certified, with £50,000 hacker-protection & recovery policy by AXA.
- Instant App Cloud set-up available for subscribers with a Managed Domain Name Services agreement.
- Unlimited bandwidth & storage hosting planning with proactive usage monitoring and forward-planning.
- Updates, maintenance and testing included for all Apps and hosting services.
- Uptime and performance monitoring with proactive remedial support for any issues.