Kutumiza kwaulere

Nthawi Yowerenga: < 1 mphindi

Of course, there’s no such things as free of cost, therefore *free Manyamulidwe* ndi njira yokhayo yowonetsera mitengo yonse pachinthu chilichonse ndikuitanitsa m'njira kuti muwone mtengo wake pachinthu chilichonse, kuphatikiza mtengo wopanga, mayendedwe apadziko lonse, ntchito, misonkho, kusungira, kunyamula, kulongedza, kulongedza, kutumiza ndi kutumiza pagawo lililonse - zomwe zonse zimawonjezera padziko lonse lapansi mtengo mukuwona ndi mtengo you pay for easier total costs comparison.

Ndi tekinoloje yonse padziko lapansi, sizingatheke kuyikapo zilolezo zilizonse zomwe zingagwiritsidwe ntchito pachinthu chilichonse mtengo this way, so it has to be based on majority averages and the lowest common denominator – but that will then both mean higher headline all-inclusive prices are seen first, and include an element of rounding that you won’t see and can’t offer all the same cost-saving transparency benefits of *Plus Manyamulidwe* mitengo.

Mutha kuwerenga zambiri mu nkhani yathunthu momwe timawerengera Mitengo.

Siyani Yankho

Menyu Yofunikira


  • Ndalama
  • Chilankhulo
  • Kutumiza Dziko