Kuyankhulana ndi udindo wa wotumiza
Kuti ndibwereke fanizo ndidaphunzitsidwapo kamodzi m'magawo ophunzirira kwambiri m'mbuyomu pantchito yanga:
If I order a ham and cheese sandwich, and I open it to find a chicken sandwich – who’s fault is it?
Many people may say the person taking the order, making the sandwich or delivering the product – but a conscientious communicator would take the responsibility themselves:
- Kodi mawu anga komanso mawu anga anali oyenera pa seva?
- Kodi ndingaloze pamndandanda kapena pachitsanzo?
- Did I repeat myself and check for confirmation of understanding though mayankho repetition?
- Kodi ndikadayang'anira sangweji yopanga sangweji kuti nditsimikizire kuti ndamvetsetsa?
- Kodi ndidayang'ana zomwe zili mumayikidwe mu nthawi kuti ndibwerere ndikusintha cholakwika chilichonse?
- Kodi malo anga antchito ndindalama?
- Kodi seva imatanganidwa?
- Kodi ndidalumikizana ndimaso ndikulandidwanso mutu?
Pali mafunso ambiri omwe ndingadzifunse kuti kodi ndichinthu chilichonse chomwe ndikanachita kuti ndikulitse kulumikizana kwanga kuti ndikulitse mwayi womwe anthu angagwire.
I have no control over the experience and culture of the people I communicate with – but I do have opportunity to study my audience and assess their needs, interests, motivations and comprehension.
Effective communication is pro-active, pre-emptive and refined – it is a journey with mayankho and adjustments monitored to continually learn equally from successes and failures for an evolving empathy with our audience, and how we can both be satisfied from our interactions.