Completely unique translation technology
This is server-side translation, so every translated URL is indexed as a separate page in search engines.
Works for WordPress, Woocommerce and any other PHP web application, with other languages to follow.
We can translate Elastic search indexes as well, so your site search can work in any language too.
Set proper nouns to be excluded from translation.
Single domain with language code paths, sub-domains or multiple country domains.
Measurable results
We highly recommend you subscribe to and start measuring your website site performance today.
- Create a monitor for your Home page.
- Create a monitor for any other page.
Compare the speed result of your current pages and the translated versions we’ll implement.
How we work
Turnaround is 60 days from booking. We need SFTP or Git access and kulumikizana with your lead developer.
Project management kulumikizana via Livechat on this site or
Credentials sharing is via our secure Privatebin at
Accesses are retained for maintenance and updates, as your site evolves, we’ll evolve the translation layer with it.
Translation speed proof
You can see our own speedy translation results by clicking the flag in the top-right of any page, or going to Preferences on mobile and changing language.
Try the search too, shop filters and our client, makupalat to see our work in action on a larger ecommerce store.
Bonus plugins
Our translation plugins and settings have been developed over 10 years working with WordPress & Woocommerce, you get to keep copies of the latest versions when we’re done, to learn from and re-use on your other websites if you wish, providing our copyright notices and licences remain.
Everything we create is released as open-source for the benefit of continual mayankho and refinement for you and the wider community.