Migwirizano Yama Webusayiti & Zikhalidwe


(Brandlight Foundation (UK))


(Yasinthidwa Komaliza 21 Novembara 2018)

Pogwiritsa ntchito tsambali mukuvomera kumangidwa ndi izi & mikhalidwe.


Tsambali limaperekedwa ndi Brandlight, on an “as is” basis. Brandlight makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or the information, content or materials included on this site. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, Brandlight disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Brandlight will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages.

Zithunzi zonse zimaperekedwa kuti zigwirizane ndi fanizo lokha, kukula kwake kwamaonekedwe, mawonekedwe ndi zilembo zingasiyane. Mabungwe a Brandlight (UK) malonda monga moto Kuwalayesetsani kuti zidziwitso zonse zikhale zatsopano komanso zolondola, koma musavomereze udindo kapena vuto lililonse pazolakwika zilizonse, zomwe ziyenera kufufuzidwa mukalandira ndi nthawi yobwerera yoyenera.

Brandlight do not accept responsibility for any customs restrictions, duties or charges that apply in your country at the time of import.

Ndiudindo wanu kufunsa okhudzana ndi oyenera (azachipatala / ena) m'dziko lanu musanakhazikitse lamulo kuti muwonetsetse kuti zinthuzo kapena zosakaniza zina zimagwirizana ndi zoletsa zilizonse zololedwa. Brandlight will not be liable for any breach, by you, of any such laws. Any product ordered that is held by customs and rejected by yourself, will not be refunded unless all goods are returned to us in their original condition.

Brandlight only sells items that are legal in the country that they are being sold to and Brandlight therefore reserve the right to cancel and refund any order which contains products or ingredients restricted in the delivery country without prior notice.

Zambiri (ndi zomwe zikutsagana) zoperekedwa ndi Mabungwe a Brandlight (UK) malonda monga moto Kuwalasicholinga chake ngati choloweza mmalo kuchokera kwa katswiri woyenerera azaumoyo. Brandlight is unable to provide medical advice on any health condition or associated treatment, and strongly recommends that anyone looking to take any form of health product consult their doctor prior to doing so.

Pewani zowonjezera zonse pamaso pa ana ndi kufikira ana. Osapitirira zomwe ananena. Zomwe zili patsamba lino sizikuphatikizira upangiri woperekedwa ndi akatswiri aza zamankhwala, akatswiri azamankhwala, kapena katswiri wina wazachipatala. Lumikizanani ndi omwe amakuthandizani pazaumoyo ngati mukukayikira kuti mukudwala. Izi sapangira kuti zizigwiritsidwa ntchito kuzindikira, kuchiritsa, kuchiritsa, kapena kupewa matenda aliwonse kapena thanzi. Zakudya zowonjezera zakudya siziyenera kugwiritsidwa ntchito ngati chakudya chamagulu osiyanasiyana. Zovuta pamakina othandizira ndizosowa, koma ngati mukukumana ndi zovuta zomwe zimapangitsa kuti mugwiritse ntchito ndikulumikizana ndi katswiri wanu. Nthawi zina zowonjezera zimakwanira munthu m'modzi koma osati wina.

Poika dongosolo ndi Brandlight you agree with the above disclaimer.


Zonse zomwe zikuphatikizidwa pa tsamba ili, monga malemba, mafilimu, logos, zojambulajambula, zithunzi, mavidiyo ndi mapulogalamu, ndizo Brandlight or their content suppliers and protected by Jersey and international copyright laws. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Brandlight and is protected by Jersey and international copyright laws. The content and software on this site may be used only as a shopping resource. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance of the content on this site is strictly prohibited.


Brandlight and other Brandlight graphics, logos and service names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Brandlight. Trademarks may not be used in connection with any product or service without the express written permission of their respective owners.

Lamulo Lothandiza

Tsambali limapangidwa ndikuwongoleredwa ndi Brandlight in Jersey. As such, the laws of Jersey will govern these disclaimers, terms and conditions, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of laws. Any attempts to abuse the dispute and chargeback mechanisms fraudulently will be reported to the Police.

Ndondomeko Zatsamba, Kusintha & Severability

Chonde onani malingaliro athu ena, monga athu mfundo Zazinsinsi. Ndondomekozi zimathandiziranso kuyendera kwanu Brandlight. We reserve the right to make changes to our website, policies, conditions of use, and these terms and conditions at any time. If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.

Kuyika Malangizo

Brandlight sells products to the general public, but it sells them to adults who can purchase with a credit card. If you are under 18, you may use Brandlight only with involvement of a parent or guardian.

Brandlight reserves the right to refuse service; add, remove or edit content; upgrade, downgrade or close user accounts; or cancel orders at their sole discretion.

Ndi udindo wa makasitomala kuwonetsetsa kuti zonse zomwe adalemba zili zolondola.Brandlight cannot take responsibility for incorrect information, including delivery address, entered by the customer during the order process. We do not store credit or debit card details.

Ma oda a Wholesale ali ndi mtengo wochepera wa $ 200 (kupatula misonkho ndi kutumiza).

Information Delivery

Mukazindikira zomwe mukuyang'ana mudzafunsidwa komwe mungakonde kuti zitumizidwe kuchokera komwe mukupita. Izi zimawongolera makasitomala athu ndikuwapatsa mwayi kuti asankhe ngati akufuna kutumizira mwachangu, kapena ngati akufuna kupanga ndalama posintha nthawi yayitali.

Mukasankha zokonda zanu kuti mupatsidwe adzapatsidwa tsiku lotumizira ndi tsiku lobweretsera; zidziwitso zidzatsimikizika mukayika gawo lanu ndi ife ndipo zingasinthe. Tikatumiza zinthu zanu tidzakutumizirani chitsimikiziro cha imelo, motero mukudziwa kuti katundu wanu wayandikira.

Zinthu zimayesedwa ngati zotayika m'masiku asanu ogwirira ntchito atatha kubwezeredwa kwa chiwongola dzanja cha ku UK, masiku 10 ogwirira ntchito pochotsa zochokera ku Europe, ndi masiku 15 ogwirira ntchito pobereka padziko lonse lapansi. Ngati mukukhulupirira kuti chinthu chanu chachedwa, kapena mwatayika mu positi, chonde lemberani.

Zoletsedwa Zotumizira

Sitingathe kupita ku DENMARK, FINLAND kapena JERSEY (Channel Islands) pakadali pano. Malangizo aliwonse a mayikowa adzachotsedwa ndipo adzabwezeranso.

Sitimapereka ku mahotela, masukulu, mayunivesite kapena makoleji. Maulangizi opita kumalo awa adzathetsedweratu ndi kubwezeretsedwanso ngati ndalama zina sizingaperekedwe.

Pomwe tikuyesera kupereka mitundu yambiri ya zinthu zomwe zilipo pali malamulo ndi malangizo pazinthu zina zopangidwa, zomwe zingakhudze komwe zingatumizidwe. Chifukwa cha malamulo apadera azinthu zilizonse m'dziko lililonse titha kutseka, kapena kuletsa ndi kubwezeretsa ndalama tisanatumizidwe.

Chonde onani malamulo amayiko anu zokhudzana ndi kutengera zinthu kapena zinthu zomwe mukufuna kugula musanaperekenso odaBrandlight.

Kuletsa ndi Kubwezera

Ngati mukufuna kusintha kapena kuletsa dongosolo chonde Lumikizanani nafe posachedwa, monga zosintha ndi kuletsa zingachitike pokhapokha dongosolo lanu lisanatumizidwe kutumiza. Oda omwe asamukira kale kuti atumizidwe sangathenso kusinthidwa kapena kuimitsidwa. Komabe, ngati mukufuna kubweza chinthu, chonde Lumikizanani nafe.

Kubwezera ndalama kumayendetsedwa Lolemba mpaka Lachisanu 9 mpaka 5:30 pm (kupatula maholide abanki). Tipanga zonse zotheka kubwezeretsanso ndalama zomwe zalandilidwa nthawi ngati izi tsiku lomwelo kapena lotsatira. Kubweza ndi kuletsa zomwe zalandilidwa kunja kwa nthawi ngati izi zimabwezedwa tsiku lotsatira.

Kubwezera ndalama zidzabwezeretsedwera ku njira yoyambayo yolipirira ndipo ziyenera kuwonekera mu akaunti yanu mkati mwa masiku atatu antchito. Ngati njira yoyambirira yolipirira sikuliponso kapena kugwira ntchito, kapena akaunti ya Bitcoin idagwiritsidwa ntchito, ndiye kuti cholembera ngongole idzaperekedwa.

Chiwopsezo cha Kutayika

Zinthu zonse zogulidwa kuchokera Brandlight are made pursuant to a shipment contract. This means that the risk of loss and title for such items pass to you upon our delivery to the carrier.

Kufotokozera Zogulitsa

Brandlight attempts to be as accurate as possible. However, Brandlight does not warrant that product descriptions or other content of this site is accurate, complete, reliable, current, or error-free. If a product offered by Brandlight itself is not as described, your sole remedy is to return it in unused condition for a refund / replacement.


Chonde dziwani kuti mitundu ina nthawi zina imakhala ndi mtengo pazomwe zimapangidwira zomwe zimayimira mtengo wawo wogulitsa kapena mtengo wotsatsira wowerengeka. Mtengowu umakhala wokhawo wa msonkho, ntchito, kutsatsa, kugwiritsa ntchito kapena kulipira zinthu. Mtengo womwe ukuwonetsedwa patsamba lathu limaphatikizidwa ndi ndalama zowonjezerazi, choncho nthawi zambiri zimakhala zokwera pang'ono kuposa zomwe zalembedwapo.Brandlight is sitingathe kubwezeretsanso kusiyana pakati pa mtengo wathu ndi mtengo wosindikizidwa ku label product.

Zida zamagetsi

Mukadzacheza Brandlight or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Analembetsa Kero

Office 4 219 Kensington High Street

Siyani Yankho

Menyu Yofunikira


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