Malangizo athu owongolera ndi athu Mfundo ya Utumiki – all our policies, procedures, agreements, relationships and transactions shall firstly be guided by these philosophies, aims and standards – to which we invite all partners to kuwunika and adopt where relevant too because ultimately a good and honest business is necessary for reliable and sustainable relationship with everyone we work for.
Ndondomekozi zakonzedwa kuti zizikhala zomveka bwino pamabizinesi ena, ngakhale zidzawonjezedwa kuti zizikhala nthawi ndi nthawi momwe zochitika zatsopano zingafunikire, chifukwa chake chonde bwereraninso mukamafufuza zilizonse zomwe zingachitike, lingaliro kapena ntchito ndi bungwe lathu , machitidwe ndi gulu.
Policies are created for the safety, clarity and consistency of understanding in our relationships, strategies and scope of engagement – to which we invite mayankho comments and suggestions for improvement.