Kutetezedwa Kwachinsinsi kwa Magulu Ogulitsa ndi Bitwarden

A secure, open-source and lower-cost alternative to LastPass, 1Password, Dashlane, Enpass, MYKI

Kutetezedwa Kwachinsinsi kwa Magulu Ogulitsa ndi Bitwarden

A secure, open-source and lower-cost alternative to LastPass, 1Password, Dashlane, Enpass, MYKI

90-day free trial, then£500 setup & on-boarding£100 per month hosting, monitoring & maintenance

  • Bitwarden is an industry leader in audited security for password management.
  • We only offer and recommend apps and hosting setups we use ourselves, we’re invested in your uptime for all our our continuity.
  • Brandlight’s hosted Bitwarden solution serves unlimited users, you only pay a fixed monthly hosting cost, however many users you need.
  • Role-based permissions management for scaleable administration of teams of any size and mixture of in-house and out-sourced staffing.
  • No additional charges, everyone gets all enterprise features, security matters a lot to us, and every client has access to all the latest tried & tested features available from Bitwarden.
  • Verifiable zero-knowledge security ensures we can’t see your password data, no-one can except you and those you choose to share any details with.
  • Managed updates and maintenance with experienced expert issues reporting and tracking.
  • Full-service setup and on-boarding by phone or screen-sharing as you prefer.
  • Full Bitwarden backups every day, retained for 7 days, 4-weekly and 12-monthly for a full audit-trail of historic versions of the entire database.
  • Full access to backups for if you later decide to take hosting in-house, you don’t need to give us any notice of cancellation or migration, and we’ll help you move to in-house hosting if you later choose to.
  • Hosted at https://bitwarden.yourdomain.com or https://bitwarden.youraccount.brandlight.net as you prefer. Domain setup included with your application setup and on-boarding.
  • Your servers or ours, our managed service pricing remains the same.

Zolinga Zokhutiritsa

Chisindikizo Cha PayPal Yovomerezeka
Baji ya AdyenBaji ya Adyen
PCI Security baji
  • 24/7/366 macheza amoyo, imelo ndi mafoni.
  • Kuyesa kwaulere kwamasiku 30 pa ntchito zonse za App Cloud.
  • Mapulogalamu Onse ndi a ogwiritsa ntchito opanda malire, sitimakulipilirani zambiri gulu lanu likamakula.
  • Kusungidwa kwa backups kwamasiku onse kwa masiku 7, masabata 4, miyezi 6 ndi ntchito zonse zadijito, pofuna kutsatira chitetezo ndi kuteteza deta.
  • Zolembetsa kapena kusintha kwaulere kwaulere nthawi iliyonse.
  • Inshuwaransi yoteteza dzina, PCI DSS Level 1 Certified, yokhala ndi £ 50,000 yowononga-chitetezo & ndondomeko yobwezeretsa ndi AXA.
  • Kukonzekera kwa Instant App Cloud kumatha kupezeka kwa olembetsa omwe ali ndi mgwirizano wa Managed Domain Name Services.
  • Bandwidth yopanda malire & kukonzekera kusungitsa ndikuwunikira momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito ndikukonzekereratu.
  • Zosintha, kukonza ndi kuyesa kuphatikizira Mapulogalamu onse ndi ntchito zothandizira.
  • Kuwonetsetsa nthawi yayitali ndikuwongolera magwiridwe antchito ndi chithandizo chothandizira pazinthu zilizonse.
Menyu Yofunikira


  • Ndalama
  • Chilankhulo
  • Kutumiza Dziko