Gulu la Anthu Pagulu kapena Pagulu & Msonkhano Wothandizidwa ndi NodeBB

The GDPR-compliant open-source self-hosted alternative to Discourse, Facebook, LinkedIn and Slack etc, to engage and retain customers, keeping them interested and up-to-date with your latest product or service.

Gulu la Anthu Pagulu kapena Pagulu & Msonkhano Wothandizidwa ndi NodeBB

The GDPR-compliant open-source self-hosted alternative to Discourse, Facebook, LinkedIn and Slack etc, to engage and retain customers, keeping them interested and up-to-date with your latest product or service.

30-day free trial, then£1,000 setup & on-boarding£100 per month hosting, monitoring & maintenance

  • Your customers, users and audience are your greatest asset and advocates, give them a place to work with you for prospects and search engines to see.
  • The value in many products and services to many people are those they connect with for their common interests, give them a place to hangout and they’ll teach you all the things about your service to evolve with their needs.

Zolinga Zokhutiritsa

Chisindikizo Cha PayPal Yovomerezeka
Baji ya AdyenBaji ya Adyen
PCI Security baji
  • 24/7/366 macheza amoyo, imelo ndi mafoni.
  • Kuyesa kwaulere kwamasiku 30 pa ntchito zonse za App Cloud.
  • Mapulogalamu Onse ndi a ogwiritsa ntchito opanda malire, sitimakulipilirani zambiri gulu lanu likamakula.
  • Kusungidwa kwa backups kwamasiku onse kwa masiku 7, masabata 4, miyezi 6 ndi ntchito zonse zadijito, pofuna kutsatira chitetezo ndi kuteteza deta.
  • Zolembetsa kapena kusintha kwaulere kwaulere nthawi iliyonse.
  • Inshuwaransi yoteteza dzina, PCI DSS Level 1 Certified, yokhala ndi £ 50,000 yowononga-chitetezo & ndondomeko yobwezeretsa ndi AXA.
  • Kukonzekera kwa Instant App Cloud kumatha kupezeka kwa olembetsa omwe ali ndi mgwirizano wa Managed Domain Name Services.
  • Bandwidth yopanda malire & kukonzekera kusungitsa ndikuwunikira momwe mungagwiritsire ntchito ndikukonzekereratu.
  • Zosintha, kukonza ndi kuyesa kuphatikizira Mapulogalamu onse ndi ntchito zothandizira.
  • Kuwonetsetsa nthawi yayitali ndikuwongolera magwiridwe antchito ndi chithandizo chothandizira pazinthu zilizonse.
Menyu Yofunikira


  • Ndalama
  • Chilankhulo
  • Kutumiza Dziko